Be Unique. Be different.

Be you with Sharp Clothing.

Hi, I'm Anto Sharp an online comedy creator and British Actor. Now, why have I started a clothing brand? well one reason is, when I was younger I couldn't afford to wear all the cool branded clothing, I actually used to take my mates old branded clothes once he didn't want them anymore.

It felt great to be able to wear a stylish brand, but deep down it effected my confidence and thought one day i'll be able to afford my own.

So now i'm in a position to, I wanted to create something that myself and all of you can wear that's not only comfortable and stylish, but something that means more than that, something that beams confidence and uniqueness.

For myself it's the reminder of where i've come from. Every time I look down at that SHARP logo, for you... well thats for you to fill in the gap, but the brand message is simple: We want you to feel empowered to express your individuality through your clothing choices.

So go ahead, be unique, be different, be you, because when you wear our clothes, you are not just wearing a brand, you are wearing a statement of who you are.